• Self

    “What a twisted fate, always ends this way…”

    I went to Walmart before work this morning.

    As I’m grabbing some soda, the Pepsi guy was in the aisle. “Good morning” he says to me.
    Good morning” I reply.
    Him: “How are you doing?
    Me: “I’m alright, how are you?
    Him: “I’m good.
    *I continue to deliberate over which soda I want*
    Him: “I am such a liar…
    Me: *looks over at the Pepsi guy*So you aren’t good?
    Him: “Nah. It’s my first day back from vacation.
    Me: “Ah, those are always pretty rough.
    *awkward silence*
    Then he walks over to the next aisle.

    A lot of the time, we hide what and how we are really feeling because of pleasantries, or not wanting to burden someone. I could have been honest and told him my brain was torturing me over a situation that happened last night, but I didn’t… 1, because I don’t know him, and 2, because I just wanted to get on with my day.

    However, if dude really needed to talk about how he’s not OK? I would have been a listening ear.

    It’s OK to not be Ok, it’s OK to talk to people when you need to, and if you feel like a complete stranger is the one to talk to – ask if you can vent to them or whatever. I wouldn’t have minded.

  • Self

    “Living life and soaking up the memories…”

    I had one of the best days of my life yesterday.

    Met up with a friend; they drove an hour and a half to hang out with me. I was planning to attend an event sort of related to my workplace (one of our customers was having an event), and invited them along. After a bit, we went to grab lunch. We hung out and talked for a while more (fully enjoying the air conditioning), then went back to the customer’s place for the final scheduled parts of the event.

    After that we went for ice cream. 🙂 That’s definitely one of my favorite parts of the day. We sat in the car and talked some more, then we went axe throwing. Then we went to one of the only local places to have a drink, and talked some more. I totally lost track of time.

    My legs hurt today from all the standing and walking. While it “wasn’t a date”, but just “two friends hanging out”… I’m looking forward to seeing them again. Perhaps soon enough they will want an actual date? Stay tuned, friendos.

  • Self

    “I’ll pretend my ship’s not sinking…”

    Nicotine Dolls are coming back to Charlotte in October. 😀 I’m beyond excited and I bought my tickets THE DAY they went on sale!

    In other news… Crushes, man. They’re so fun yet so scary at the same time.
    Why do I do this to myself? I’m trying to remember that crushes are OK to have but also to not make it my entire focus, ya know? Stop obsessing over things I have no control over.

    Last but not least, why does the cat wait until I’m actively using the laptop to try to walk all over it? She’s on my last nerve. XD

    Later, taters.

  • Self

    Rainbows and unicorns

    In all things, choose kindness.

    Many times we are quick to get frustrated when someone is having a hard time understanding us. Or we are fast to make fun of someone that may not see things the way that we do. All that ends up being accomplished is you make someone like you less.

    Yesterday I was trying out a new software platform that’s being built by a friend and former boss. I was trying to build a site to use for my new job. I was emailing the project manager and asking questions because it wasn’t intuitive on what I needed to do, things didn’t make sense to me.

    This person proceeds to say something along the lines of “well did you just scroll down? LOL, that option is there.” They made me feel stupid. Therefore the remainder of our interactions yesterday had tones of frustration and misunderstanding. I read the last email they sent me yesterday after I had already left the office. Yes, it still reads like they are frustrated by my misunderstanding of things (evidenced by the fact that I suggested that they provide a tutorial for a user’s first time on the custom content builder and they replied with “The tutorial is def a must.” ) They might have been agreeing with me there, but it reads like “of course we need one for idiots like you.” (They didn’t say it in those words but given our interactions throughout the day yesterday, that’s how it felt.)

    Today is a new day. A new opportunity to do well and be successful and KIND.

    Have a nice day, everyone.

  • Self

    “Everything else felt so unimportant…”

    Last night as I was laying in bed, scrolling through my phone while in the dark, something caught my eye. I stop what I’m doing and focus on it… then it moves closer…

    Y’all. There was a spider crawling on my comforter VERY CLOSE TO MY ARM. 😳 Normally I don’t freak out about spiders, as long as they keep their distance. But one making a move to my actual body?! Oh no no no no no siree no way no how. I swipe my hand across the comforter and turn the light on, trying to find the sucker.

    I fluffed the comforter a few times – it didn’t appear to be there.

    I moved the pillows off the bed – it didn’t appear to be hiding under those.

    I kicked a few things around in the floor, I moved things off the nightstand, I moved the curtains – No Spidey anywhere!

    …lil sucker escaped. 😨

    I didn’t sleep well. 😂

    Tonight I decided to rearrange my bedroom. I think I’ll be able to sleep a little better tonight. I hope.

    Anyway, just thought I’d share some of my shenanigans. Have a good one y’all.

  • Self

    Sometimes, things just don’t work out that way.

    I wanted to do my concert recap next. As a matter of fact, I have the posts typed up already (yes, there will be two posts to do my concert recap from a week ago). Why am I waiting?

    …because I need to take a picture of a tshirt and a poster that I haven’t taken a pic of yet, since they’re relevant to the post.

    So why go ahead and make another post?

    Because I want tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

    Truth of the matter is, I love blogging. I like communicating with people. But as an introverted anxious shy person who is always afraid of getting on people’s nerves, I rarely do reach out and talk to people. Why not just talk to myself like I’m doing here?

    I second-guess myself quite a bit. Blame it on the anxiety or whatever… If I see that you have “read” my message but didn’t reply, the wheels start to roll. Are they busy? Are they annoyed with something I said? Do they not like me anymore??? Should I send another message? How soon is too soon to send another message? Should I send a picture or meme instead?! …and so on and so forth until I finally just either send a message or set the phone down and walk away.

    One of the things I’m working on this year (not in a resolution type way, but in a doing better for myself way) is loving myself. I have virtually zero self-esteem and self-worth. I let people run all over me time and time again until I resemble a door mat. I know this isn’t healthy.

    I’ve started saying some affirmations each time I see myself in the mirror. They may seem silly to some, but eventually I know they’re going to stick in my head. Things like,

    I’m worthy.

    I matter.

    I have beautiful eyes.

    My teeth may not be perfect, but I will get them fixed when I can afford it. I do have a nice smile, regardless.

    I’m a good person.

    I have a big heart.

    I’m creative.

    I am brave.

    I deserve to receive the same love I give others.

    I’m freaking hilarious!

    …things like that.

    If I don’t say those things to me, who will? I need to hear them to believe it. Reinforce the ideas that will help build me up and boost my self-confidence.

    It’s a hard thing to do when all your life you haven’t felt worthy of anything.

    But I deserve it. I’m worth it.

  • Updates

    Who is this HippoChick anyway?

    Hi Friendos.

    First of all, you’ll find that I say Friendo a lot when referring to all of you. Yes, I did swipe that phrase from Phil the peacock from Animal Crossing. He was one of my favorite villagers in ACNH although he has moved on to a different island now.

    As I said with the previous post, my name’s Jenn. I’m a 40-something mom with a big heart and an insane backstory. I will NOT go into a lot of detail unless it’s something I’m comfortable sharing, so don’t ask. Don’t comment requesting to know a ton of intimate facts and information because you’re not getting it, and you’ll probably get blocked. But there ARE some things I don’t mind sharing…

    • My favorite color is purple.
    • I love most sports, but basketball is my favorite.
    • I have three sisters.
    • I have a number of nephews and neices.
    • I have a German Shepherd mix dog who is currently a huge chunk of my world and my camera roll.
    • My kids are mostly grown, but we have a good relationship.
    • I’m overweight and want to do something about it, but not enough to go on a drastic diet or anything.
    • I have a great relationship with my ex-husband (aka father of my kids).
    • I’m a codependent with an anxious attachment style.
    • I have a big heart and want the best for people, even if you’re no longer in my life for one reason or another.
    • I love music and will go to as many live shows as I can make work with my schedule.
    • I take too many selfies when I’m talking with a guy I like. (Oh yeah, I’m single-ish. But that’s a story for another day.)
    • I love eyeliner.
    • Jigglypuff is my favorite Pokemon.
    • I have so much fun playing Fortnite even though I think I’m terrible at it (No Builds is the best mode, and I’ll fight anyone on that).
    • Taking out the trash is probably my most hated chore.
    • I’m cold all the time.
    • And I love hippos. Like, LOVE them.

    I think that’s enough for now. Next up is the concert recap from this week. Buckle up, it’s gonna be a fun ride!